Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Trouble getting back to sleep after only 4.5h of sleep

So, the intention for the night was to sleep for at least 6h, then attempt a WILD. I went to bed at midnight, and I woke up at 4.40 am more or less. I didn't even get out of the bed, I wanted to fall back asleep quickly, sleep for another whole REM cycle and then attempt the WILD. Turns out it's been almost two hours and I'm still awake, feeling fully alert and unable to sleep. I've basically tried it all, went to the bathroom a couple of times, have a little snack, even try the WILD, but nothing could make me feel even slightly drowsy.

I don't get why I feel so awake after having slept only half of the night. I've been exercising lately so I went to bed tired. I am a morning person and soon the sun will rise, and then it'll be almost impossible to get any more sleep, specially after having been awake for so long.

Anyone who's had the same problem?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1szc9Z7

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