Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | WBTB techniques

Last night I had 3 goes at a WBTB with no success.

Woke up its seems after nearly each of my 90mins rem cycles and recorded 5 dreams in the morning but none lucidity

Bed at 11pm waking at 12.45, 3.30, 5.30 and finally 9am. 5-6 drams recalled for the evening.

Have been at this for under 2 weeks so all is certainly not lost.

Keen to understand how others go about WBTBs

Mine consisted, looking at this forum for 20-30mins. Hitting the hay. Visualising last dream seeing myself realise I am dreaming using a mantra along lines of "next time I am dream I will become lucid"


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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