Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Memory Does not Transition Easily from Waking World to Dream world?

I'm just wondering because in my waking life i keep doing Reality checks and telling myself "When i dream i look at my hands and realize i'm dreaming"

But i've had several dreams since i started practicing like 2weeks and a half so far. ANd in my dream I never ever remember to look at my hands.

So how come in my real life i remember that Yesterday i practiced reality checks alot but in my dream world i don't remember that at all and i don't remember me saying "When i dream i will look at my hands" so I don't do reality check in my dream world.

Seems like memory doesn't transfer easily from waking world to dream world.

Will it eventually happen? I"m doing all i can in the daytime: Meditationn, Awareness, mantras, visualization.

So far all the dreams i had continue to be like passing movies that i just watch , i'm not lucid.:(

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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