Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | First Lucid Ever Last Night!! Finally

Hello Everybody. I'm male age 30s from usa. I have practiced lucid dreaming training( RCs and Dream journal dream recall) for since about November 5. That means it's been like 1 month.

I was disappointed about my recall and about not having a Lucid dream. Bu i did it!!! I finally did it :cheeky:

I kept practicing everyday. Mantras, RCs, awareness, and sometimes meditation. I thought i wasn't making progress especially since like 5 days ago for 4 days i coudnt remember my dreams at all and it was disappointing.

but last night the first wake up time was at like 2 and that failed. i didn't have any dream recall.

But then as i went back to sleep i kept saying mantras in my mind as i fell as sleep. And thoughout the day i do the

looking at my hands and asking myself if i'm dreaming. And i specifically did the Mantra that i posted about yesterday which surprisingly did work. This one "I'm dreaming" or "this is a dream"

Then i had it :) I had my lucid dream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'll tell you how it went.

==First i was in my house , kind of like waking up or something and i looked at my hands several times and i had 5 fingers. But then I looked again, and i had 6!!!!!!!!

So then i just went crazy already lucid. testing out RCs even though i already became lucid. hehehe. I specifically tested the mirror one alot. Sometimes my face would be there and then i woiuld check again and there would be like a weird background behind me or i wouldn't be there. It was funny and fun. :P

Anyways, so i was in my house and I wanted to try meeting sexy girls. I didn't really know how. I thought you just call it out "I want sexy girl" and that she would immediatly come to me. Mmmm. that didn't work. and i kept trying that. heheh.

So i was disappointed. But i tried flying and that did work perfect. It was gooood. I just flew inside my house alittle.

Then, I said "why isn't not working with the girl thing" and i decided to go to another room where my sister used to live because i thought that since it was a Girl room that there my "I want a sexy girl" command would work. And it didn't really work.

So i went outside, and i flew bit more and stuff happend. Then i thought, why am i asking for 1? I should get 10 girls!

But that didn't work anyways. but

at least i got one snippet of a girl , driving to meet me. but never got to met her, didn't wait.

just went walking downtown thinking that "Maybe this is not how it works, maybe i have to GO where girls are"

And so i headed downtown..

And then it ended. It was my first lucid but it lasted pretty good amount of time.

Yesterday at night I was watching Lucid dreaming videos and i watched this 30 minute video of some British Lucid dreaming instructor he was being interviewed by some athletic body builder guy who also likes dreaming. And then other

videos that said "How to stay lucid" and it said something about not letting the excitement get to you.

So in my lucid i was excited but i didn't let it get me. I just experienced it :) But it was

disappointing that i couldn't get what i wanted(girls ).

I also watched one video from a guy talking excitedly about how awesome lucid dreaming is and HOw to Experience and Maintain a Lucid dream and what to expect.

Anyways, it was great. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great Lucid dreaming.

But i wonder why i couldn't call out what i wanted to see (girls) . it just didn't work.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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