Sunday, December 1, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Lucidity interupting dreams?

Hi all,

I have always had very vivid dreams but after a few random semi-lucid dreams (suddenly realising "hey I can move things with my mind") although not fully aware I was dreaming (one of the times i kind of figured well this must be a dream) I have decided to try and become more aware and started doing reality checks throughout the day saying to myself "is this a dream?" Anyway went for a nap this afternoon and while going down a slide I thought to myself "is this a dream..." and as soon as a realised it was the dream faded to white and I woke up.

My question is, is the realisation of being lucid enough to wake you up or was it purely bad timing?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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