Friday, December 13, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Night time or day time?

So when is the best time for YOU to attain a lucid dream?

At Night time or Day time?

Personally I find that a rarely have a lucid dream within my normal sleeping hours during the night. (I sleep about 6 or 7 hours at most)

Instead I almost always get them when I have a sleep for an hour or 2 during mid day afternoon.

For instance I start work at 7am and finish at 12pm I would then goto the gym for an hour and come back home, eat and then Nap for an hour or sometimes maybe 2 hours.

But its during this nap time that I actually easily attain a lucid dream. And ALWAYS end up with sleep paralysis. And I will always be lying on my back facing up.

Why am I not able to lucid dream at night time does anyone know and how and when is best for you to attain a lucid dream?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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