Sunday, December 15, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Repeat in your head

It seems to me that the important step in a dream that will help you realize you are dreaming is to mentally hear the words "You are dreaming this". This is what I heard when I had my first and only lucid dream. I didn't try WBTB, I hadn't been WILDing and I didnt do any reality checks or notice dreamsign. I just heard the words and became aware. Lost the dream almost immediately but now at least I know I can become aware. The question is can I do it again? I think I can.

Since hearing the words seems to be the most important part, i think it can work if I repeat them in in head when I wake up in the middle of the night and drift back to sleep. The important thing for this part is also to be tired enough to fall asleep while repeating the words. I tried doing this while napping in the afternoon and after a while the words seemed to be entering my heads with my exhalation triggering it without me mentally having to say. They were just being repeated in the background.

Since this seems to be somewhere between WILD and MILD I am wondering how many others trying this technique have had success. It seems a good chance to me since if that is the last thing in your mind as you dip into REM sleep it will be heard in your dreams too....eventually at least. So, who all reading this have had success with this technique?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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