Friday, December 20, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | WILD Attempt after a year of not lucid dreaming

Hi all!

So it's christmas and finally I have a few weeks to get back into lucid dreaming again haha

Ever since I started (last christmas) I always found the WILD method to naturally be the best method, as strange as that is.

Last year at my peak, I think I managed to WILD 2-3 times/day for 4 days straight, and my dreams where EXTREMELY clear (maybe more clear than real life haha).

So I started to WILD today during a nap and after 10-15mins I reached SP and started hearing voices/feeling vibrations, this went on for around a minute when suddenly I "fell out of my bed onto the ground".

At this point, I DID NOT realize this was indeed a False awekening, and thought I actually fell out of my bed (-,-) so I went back to sleep in my dream and woke up naturally...

Can someone direct me as to why this happened? The dream felt so real I thought It wasn't a dream haha.

Could it be because the last time I ever recorded/properly recalled a dream was like one year ago?

Sorry for making this so long.

Thanks in advance,

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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