Saturday, December 21, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Journaling, and remembering your reality checks.

Here is something I am considering trying: In addition to keeping my dream journal, I am considering keeping a journal of my reality checks that I perform in waking life, and other awareness exercises. Using this method to remember these events should help my brain be more aware of them, and perhaps increase the probability that I will perform a RC in my dreams. Even though I perform each RC with focus, a lot of the time, I think the check just gets forgotten about; that can't be good. I think being able to recall these events with high resolution would help a whole lot. I believe keeping a waking journal in general is a good idea as well, but I am really wanting to focus attention on the checks, and awareness exercises specifically to make a clear vivid memory of each one.

Just my thoughts, and so I think I will begin right now!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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