Sunday, May 11, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Woke up today ... No results

So I woke up at four o'clock to take my gal / cho supp but once again I was like fuck it I got work at 730 . Wen I woke up I barely remembered any dreams but I new I had several and one of them had chucky in it the fucking creepy doll that kill people and it made me realise if I can't figure out that I'm dreaming from seeing chucky how am I ever gonna LD . Tomorow I will try the supplement finally but every time I wake up from a night of sleep I realized I am never even close to have a cognitive thought in my dream not only is the dream world acting out of my control it feels like my thought In the dream world are out of my controls... So how can I realize I'm dreaming if I can even think for my self ... I still have hope cause I had lengthy LD experinece once and I still to try the supplements and also I need to work on my DJ and my RC s .... I guess I need stay positive and convince my self that this ain't hard cause if u think it's hard ull get discourage and won't stick with it though right now it seems really hard ... Words of advise ?,,, similar thought?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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