Friday, May 23, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Making SSILD more practical

I have been a huge fan of Cosmic Iron`s SSILD technique ever since I read about it. However the only thing I don`t feel comfortable with is following the routine after waking up, because even the most simple things can be hard to pull off while being in a zombie like state. I know that I should probably just grab a glass of water or so before attempting to enter a lucid dream, but what if it would be possible to incorporate all senses in a way that is more intuitive, doesn`t require as much attention and still serves as a good anchor?

This is when I stumbled upon Harionago´s thread about his personal technique to become lucid. While reading his text the first thing that came to my mind were the correlations with SSILD and how similar both methods are. Here is the catch:

I think that if you don`t only imagine yourself clapping your hands as described by Harionago, but also imagine the feeling of your hands touching each other and the sound it would make as used in Cosmic Iron`s SSILD you could possibly create something that would have the benefits of both worlds.

I would really like to hear your opinions on this! Here are all relevant links I know of:

SSILD on DreamViews:

Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD)

The theory behind SSILD:

Theory behind SSILD

Cosmic Iron`s Blog (with updates):

宇宙の铁: Senses Initiated Lucid Dream (SSILD) Official Tutorial

Harionago`s personal method of becoming lucid:

My personal method of becoming lucid. If anyone is interested.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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