Monday, May 5, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Dream Journaling/Recall. Is it really nessesary for Lucid Dreaming?

I've never quite understood why people often say that having good dream recall is absolutely VITAL for lucid dreaming.

Lucid Dreaming utilizes CONSCIOUS memory, why? Because we are fully self-aware in the lucid state. Therefore these stored memories will have the same accuracy as waking life memory.

Dream Journaling improves UNCONSCIOUS memory. These memories will never be as accurate as conscious memory (created in waking life and lucid dreams). Therefore Dream Journaling really is only necessary if you would want to improve your non-lucid dreams, correct?

I kept a dream journal for about 4 months a couple years ago, and can attest to this. My non-lucid dream quality skyrocketed while my lucid dreaming quality remained unaffected by my improved unconscious memory. I've since then stopped keeping a dream journal, and this improvement has decayed, and am no longer able to remember as much detail of non lucids.

Maybe I find the dream journaling unimportant because I use the WILD and WBTB techniques to induce my LDs. I take advantage of hypnogogic imagery and sleep paralysis to cross over into a LD. So I don't think memory is really needed for these techniques at all. With however DILD I could see how having good dream recall would help though. Heh I think I just answered my own question. But seriously though IMHO Dream Journaling/Recall isn't required for all induction techniques.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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