Friday, May 23, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Reality Checks and Feeling Association

I was just wondering if anyone does their reality checks in the same manner that I do, and if it's successful for them as it is for me!

So, when doing reality checks, it is obviously important to be mindful, and really believe you could be dreaming. However, a trick I've learned is taking it one step further: making a mental association between the reality check and the feeling of torpor.

Basically, every time I do a reality check during the day, I focus and concentrate hard on feeling sleepy (even if I am not particularly sleepy, I imagine it until I feel the sensation). I do this because, during lucid dreaming, I've noticed how tired I felt before becoming lucid. So I figure, if I focus on that underlying feeling, I can make a mental association. This should help me to be both more mindful during daytime reality checks, and able to be more aware during dreams.

So far, I've had good results. :)

Anyone else practice similarly, or have other interesting tricks they use for RCs?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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