Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I think WILDs might just be really good DILDs

I'm a big fan of Occam's Razor, so in that spirit, I propose this unified theory of LDing. We all know about WILDs and DILDs, and their differences. We also all, or most of us at least, look to WILD as the pinnacle of lucid dreaming, and as maybe something that is distinct from DILDs. However, I propose that a WILD and a DILD are essentially the same thing, and that maybe we should all just be trying to WILD and that will give us DILDs until we can eventually WILD.

Here's a simple argument for why a WILD is just a better DILD, or a DILD is just a poorly done WILD. During the day you know you are going to be dreaming and you hope to have a lucid dream at night. When you DILD, your lucidity only begins after a certain amount of time being unaware of the fact that you are dreaming. When you WILD, you are simply aware that you are dreaming from the beginning of the dream. I would also posit that a better DILD would be a DILD where you realize earlier in the dream that you are dreaming, thus making a WILD the best sort of DILD.

Of course, we can all say words and then make arguments from them, but this is more of an explanation of what I've observed in myself, namely after I realized that I had been having WILDs for a while, but I would never name them as such, mostly because of the influence of our established LD terminology and their connotations. Basically, the way I would WILD, I would never have any intention of WILDing, but I would be lying in bed falling asleep, and then at some point, usually after some sort of break in consciousness, I would just realize that I could construct a dream world in my mind, or a dream would start and I would realize from the beginning that it was a dream. That is why I am calling a WILD the best sort of DILD, because I didn't sleep with any intention of WILDing, I didn't even try to hold onto my consciousness, I just realized from the beginning of the dream that it was a dream. And that sort of realization feels exactly the same to me as when I have DILDs, because the way I have DILDs is not from a random RC or from unusual events, it's that at some point I just realize that the nature of what I am currently experiencing is a dream, whereas in the WILD as soon as the dream arises I realize that that experience is a dream.

So what are people's thoughts on this? Is it all just insane ramblings because after writing it all out it sure feels that way?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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