Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I have some problems when going LD

Okay, as far I have been here ( not even for a week ) I did noticed it ( title ). I also remember today that I did LD with control when I was a kid ( about 8 yo ) I had a nightmare of a Werewolf "shadowy" monster would always eat me and one day I could control myself and "summoned/created" an armor and defeated it ( almost instantly finishing the dream and waking up ). From here, as far I can remember I never had such vivid dream that I also felt in control.

On another thread I created, I said that I can LD a few time and notice I am dreaming but suddenly I simply forget that I am dreaming andgo with the flow of the dream. My dream recall is very good I would say that for years most of times I remember what I was dreaming and even dream sequels ( example: 3 dream I had in one single night ), but there are 2 problems I guess:

-Dream signs: For me this is hard, I barely ever dreamed something normal. Normally it's something about movies, games, magic,zombies etc.

-Reality Check: I have been trying this since yesterday, but I forget to do it .... which probably lead me to forget to do it in a LD.

I have started a dream journal on a notepad, which I may not continue since I start working in the morning and can't be losing sleep to write it down ( which normally take a time, since I can remember well the dreams ). Should I just focus on RC and sometimes on dream journal? I also noticed I have less chance to LD or remember my dreams if I sleep not looking to the "roof".

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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