Friday, May 30, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | VERY FRUSTRATED! Need a better way to record my dreams, looking for suggestions.

First of all if this thread is not in the best place please feel free to relocate it.

So here is my problem. My handwriting is atrocious. I mean truly bad. I have trouble reading everything I wrote more than a month ago, when the memory of what I wrote is no longer there to help me. I started to work on my handwriting, but I simply don't have the inclination, interest or time to keep at it. I mean if I could go somewhere, to handwriting summer camp, where I could work on this for a solid week, that would work. But I can't stick with my lessons normally, and it's taken too damn long! Meanwhile, if i were to keep a written Dream Journal, I would be having to eventually decipher writing that is worse than usual, because it would have been written while I was half asleep!

Some time ago I went to audio recordings. But I listened to one of them today, and tried to transcribe it in Dragon Naturally Speaking, and I could barely understand myself, much less make the stupid program understand me! I just spend 2+ hours training that piece of garbage, wasting my time, because it made no difference!

So I can't keep a written journal, or an audio journal. OK, how about writing it down on the computer? Tried that, failed. That bright light, when you just wake up? Washes the dream memories right out.

So now I am at a loss... My recall is good, but it fluctuates - never understood that. But I remember bits and pieces of dreams even at the end of the day, hours after recording my initial impressions! So at least I have that unique skill.

I am about to browse Cnet, see if any other software exists that is better than DNS. Maybe something has better text to speech recognition. Meanwhile i need suggestions! Outside of writing my dreams down in a journal, using the computer to write them down, or recording them via audio, what can I do to record my dreams?

For example, is there a PDA with a low-light screen and good handwriting recognition? Something that I can train, successfully, to recognize my handwriting and correct it? Is there any other sort of inexpensive digital notepad? Anyone have any knowledge here?

I was going to start working with my dreams, transcribing them, keeping a record, just setting aside time each day for that previous nights experiences. But this has thrown a serious monkey wrench into my plans :(

Appreciate your help!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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