Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Can't WILD anymore

About 90% of my lucid dreams have happened via WILD. Now, for about 2 weeks, I've been trying almost every single morning, with zero results. Here is what I do/try, this is what used to work for me in the not so distant past, just several weeks ago when I could WILD:

-waking up 2 hours earlier than usually

-writing down dream keywords

-going back to bed and relaxing

-doing SSILD, or just consciously waiting for my body to fall asleep

-transitioning into a dream

This used to work not all the time, but with decent consistency, now nothing, and I'm dumbfounded, why is this happening? I looked it up and found a couple vague posts about something called a "dry spell"? What is that, and is normal/happening now or?.. What's going on..

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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