Sunday, May 4, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Are these LDs?

Well guys, I posted here some time ago because I was having problems with fallings asleep. Now, I've found something that works for me.

I'm doing MILD on weekends before sleep, then I awake naturally at 6 am (my weekdays wake up time) and MILD again. I gave up on WBTB as I'm too lazy to wake up at 6 am and lose precious dream time, and probably can't sleep again if I stay 30 minutes awake. Haven't been doing much RC, but on the day I want to LD I do it lots of times.

Well, this is working, at least a bit. I'm recognizing dream signs and attaining lucidity.

Some days ago, there was something very weird: I went to bed, did some MILD, however just a few mnemonics and fell asleep, I was too tired. Then I got no LD. Woke up at 6 am, frustrated by wasting my only LD-possible night. Then I started visualizing a dream, in every detail, and pop! I was there. Was it a WILD? I didnt get through any paralysis, hypnagogia, hallucinations, weird sounds, nothing.

Today I had a lot of DILDs and false awakenings, in which I get up, and explain to my parents what LD is. Then i see something strange, usually date/time (one time the calendar said today was day 55, the other Windows said it was 12/1/1, apparently this and breathing work better for me as RCs, fingers through wall doesnt work) and become lucid again.

Looks great, but there's a problem: my lucidity doesnt last long, and I have no control over my dreams. In one, I got up from bed and realized I could only turn 180 degrees, could not turn back. Then I asked the dream for better vividity. Then I saw a weird creature in my bedroom which was actually a distorted copy of myself. I closed my eyes and tried to visualize a new place for the dream. Nothing happened, then I realized this is not a good approach and I should use a door as portal, but the creature was in my way. I touched it and it was extremely real-feeling. Then I wanted to shoot it and go away. Tried to visualize a gun in my pocket but nothing came up. So as I had no control over the dream, I decided to wake up before something bad occurred.

How can I be in control of my dreams? And are there any tips to extend them? I tried rubbing hands, looking at palms, but no success.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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