Thursday, October 17, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Music induced lucid dreaming

Ive been trying to lucid dream since i found out about it last year when i had a lucid dream on accident. I tried to have one and failed so i quit for a while and then i started again. Ive lucid dreamed successfully about 3 or 4 times but today may have been my most vivid and successful one. I attempted another WILD while listening to dubstep. The song i was listening to was relaxing and as i concentrated on the darkness of my eyelids i soon went into sleep paralysis and began to drift into the lucid dream world over a period of about 5 minutes. In the dream i was in and out of the lucid part. The dream started off with me dancing to a dubstep song in a room and the song was being played by an old fashioned record player. I did some reality checks to confirm my lucidity. I could feel and control my dance. Next i changed the dream world to where my friend lives. I went and told him to come outside and then we started running to another friends house as a different song was playing and i was dancing as i was running and then i just jumped up and flew the rest of the way to my other friends house. When i got there i knew it was about lunch time so i said i had to go and flew back to my house. As i flew over my house i realized i was flying and did some reality checks to confirm my lucidity. I then landed in my yard and went inside to my room. There i saw my body lying on my bed so i went and layed in the position of my body and woke up.

I think the music helped to prolong my lucidity

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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