Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | My attempt lastnight :(

WELL i only just found out about LD yesterday morning & i spent aaaall day looking at different things regarding it. I'm still not at all really knowledgeable on the whole thing but i'm DEFINITELY keen to do it & what not. :cheeky:

SO lastnight i went to sleep at about 8:30pm & i had been thinking about it all day excited as hell, as i was going to sleep i was trying really hard to relax & i was telling myself in my head "i WILL have a lucid dream" also throughout the day i was asking myself if it was a dream & such whenever something seemed off.

I fell asleep at maybe 8:45-8:50pm, now.. it's weird cause i woke up every couple of hours remembering i tiny part of the dream i was just having, i had a notepad next to me so i wrote it down, maybe just a line or two - there were about 3 dreams.

I just don't seem "with it" enough in my dreams to realize i'm dreaming, like i can't understand how to tell myself i'm dreaming when i can't do things as a reality & see things as normal - that sounds weird.. <<< but i don't really know how to explain it hahaha!

if you've got any tips or anything i'd really appreciate it! <3333 :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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