Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Dreams working agianst me?

When I first started lucid dreaming (wow it was like three years ago now), Lucid dreaming came very easy to me. I can remember the first time that I had a lucid dream and wrote it down in my dream journal. I was very optimistic at the time that this was only going to get easier, and soon I would lucid dream naturally.

But after about a year, I noticed that lucid dreaming was actually starting to become more difficult for me. Something changed about the feel of my dreams. They began to feel more choppy, and not as vivid, and I didn't feel quite as lucid in them.

I took some time off, and came back, but the issue had only gotten worse. I found that my dreams were even worse than before. I had to apply new techniques, and apply the old ones more vigorously in order to LD.

In the past two years, things got progressively worse. In recent months, I lucid dream very rarely, and don't have control over when I lucid dream. (As in the number of reality checks I've done in the past week, or mantra sessions with MILD don't seem to affect my chances with LDing.) And just as I was beginning to pick up momentum a couple months ago, my recall essentially flat-lined and I stopped recalling my dreams altogether.

And in just the past few months is were things have started to get weird. In the rare occasion that I become lucid in my dream, the dream characters become very hostile upon discovering that I am lucid and attack me to varying degrees of success. I hear a lot about "dream logic" and how it will counter a reality check, and I've been getting alot of that.

It seems as though my dreams are going out of the way just to ensure that I don't LD. For example, I had a dream not too long ago where I was having three dreams simultaneously, and as soon as I began to grasp lucidity in one dream, the setting would change and break my chain of thought. Not only that, but my dreams have become very choppy and confusing, and I don't even get a sense of flow anymore.

I can't figure out what is causing this to happen, but it's gone too far. Please respond to this post or PM me if you think you can help.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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