Saturday, October 12, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Awareness during waking life. I remember so much from today!

So I tried the All Day Awareness thing today and holy hell I remember so much details! Usually I'm a heavy daydreamer who doesn't pay any attention to waking life at all - like sleep walking. So I tried it out, I paid attention to my surroundings using my senses, I kept in the "now" and I hardly daydreamed at all (although the day was pretty long without the daydreams).

I'm only starting to try this out because I've heard that not only does it help toward lucidity, it also helps people recall dreams. Is this true? Will it get my dreams more vivid to the point that it feels like real life? Recently my dream recall went from a couple of dreams to nothing at all. I've noticed this only happened because my daydreaming was getting more intense with me using it often to escape reality.

So does it help with vividness and recall? I'm about to go to sleep so I guess I'll find out in WBTB. :D

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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