Monday, October 14, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Countering Dream Logic to Become Lucid

Please share examples and perhaps we can also explore new ways to counter this mechanism and get DILDs all the time. My example from last night had my son looking younger becoming my nephew who IWL is about the age that my son looked in the dream, then becoming my niece but younger than she is IWL (like my son was). My dreaming mind unfortunately went along with it and threw some controversy in as well perhaps to distract me from the logic that should have made me lucid. It may have inched me towards lucidity as I did become lucid later. Sometimes it takes a few different things to become lucid through logic and other times it seems completely spontaneous...or is it?

Do people find that it happens less in LDs versus NLDs? It seems that way for me but it also seems quite common on those nearly lucid or semi-lucid dreams (perhaps it is just the effect instead of the cause). Any thoughts on any of these points? Just plop them down, doesn't have to be right or wrong, just a brainstorming session. Don't let too much waking life logic get in the way of progress ;)

I know that MILD and WBTB help us counter dream logic, but perhaps there are other less explored ways as well.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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