Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Physical body awareness keeps me from LDing

Hello! I have been lurking in the forums for a while and I finally decided to try to get into lucid dreaming. I've focused on DILD, but I'm having an issue. Most of the times when I try getting lucid after WBTB and realize I'm dreaming I also become aware of my physical body. In that instant I'm aware of my physical body the dream seams to fade away and I'm not able to become lucid then, as if my body distracted me from my dream, why does this happen?. I've tried practicing DEILD as a secondary method when this happens but I'm either way too conscious to fall asleep or I completely fall asleep without any awareness at all.

Thanks for reading,


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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