Friday, August 9, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Attaining Lucity possably easier for an aspie/autstic?

Its just a strange thought that occered to me. See, i'm autistic (offishally diagnosed with aspergers syndrome, too), and, I notice a few things....from my own aspie experience.....

Once, I went lucid 'cuz I discovered I had TWO plush dolls instead of JUST ONE of Riku from Kingdom Hearts (only have 1 irl and he means like the freakin' world to me xD)...:shock: Apperently, my brain picked up the error right away that there can only be ONE riku plushie in my life and well. Also I think i've nearly went lucid in dreams before when i never have 'word phobias' to my normal trigger words in the dream state (like i hear someone say 'shut up' and i'm fine, instead of screaming and panicing and telling people to 'say be quiet' or trying to find a computer...).

Concidering the nature of ASD disorders, I wonder if, its possable, that it can lead to easier lucidity/dream awareness.

Like having a really importent comphert item (like my riku doll) and in a dream noticing everything that could be 'different' about it; like, there being more than one, or its 'look' being different and questioning if your in a dream from that. Or even just change of normal aspie ruiteans....

Thoughts on this theory?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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