Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Binaural Beats definitely helps Lucid Dreaming.

Last night I chose not to use binaural beats. I ended up having a brief lucid dream. It was not as long or as good as when I do use them. In fact, I wasn't even thrilled. I use beats to help Lucid Dreaming, Astral Projection, and OBEs. When I lucid dream using the beats, I have longer, more vivid lucid dreams and I always come close to astral projecting. So you folks that were wondering if Binaural Beats actually work, they do in a way. They help increase the chances and change the outcome. Based on my experiences, if you put in work, listen to them multiple days/nights and still follow through with whatever techniques you like to use, they will definitley help. Now that I have had a LD both with and without the Binaural beats, I can say I definitley would rather use them. If anyone is interested I can link you to my Youtube page I have over 35 beats most of them over an hour long. Anyone else have any experiences with Binaural Beats they'd like to share???

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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