Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Pleae review my idea!

Well, I'm trying to begin lucid dreaming again after a small break and I'm deciding on which technique I will use. In my life, I've only had maybe three or four lucid dreams, so I don't really have a method that has worked the majority of times. But I had an idea of using a method where I wake up after every dream, and use hypnagogia to enter a lucid dream from a waking state. The outline I made for myself was to :

Step 1). Create a mantra to guarantee my wake up after every dream ends, I've decided to go with "I wake up after my dreams"

Step 2). Repeat mantra until results are apparant.

Step 3). As I wake up after every dream in the night time, practice recognizing hypnagogiac hallucinations and practice attempting to use them to my advantage.

Step 4). Keep practicing my mantra, as well as recognizing hypnagogiac hallucinations, rinse and repeat every night.

Why I'm asking the forum is because through my time with lucid dreaming, I've always used theories and techniques presented to me on the forum or other sources like WILD, MILD, DEILD, etc; this one I kind of pieced together myself, though I have heard of others using hypnagogia as a direct into a lucid dream (WILD), but I thought that if I mix the mantra of waking up after all of my dreams, I could somehow chain together lucid dreams. I was thinking in the long run, as I perfect this present technique I could chain lucid dreams together by waking up after every dream, using hypnagogia to enter the dream, wake up from that dream due to the mantra and rinse and repeat that. Now, I'm asking this on the forum because I am heavily open to suggestion and would love any ideas and improvements people could give me as I usually use other peoples ideas and I'm not so sure how this will work. Thanks!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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