Thursday, August 22, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | connection between sleep and dream to induce more LDs

In my recent lucid dreams I somehow noticed that the waking life and the dream life are much more closely related to each other than I previously thought.... well it sounds kind of obvious and I should have known it earlier, but somehow the more lucid dreams I have the more I notice how incredibly thin this border between dream and waking life is.

So here is my thought/question: It sounds a little bit like a form of self-awareness and ADA. If you become more and more aware of this connection between the sleeping and the waking reality and that your dreams basically are the subconscious impression of your waking life just with the subtle difference that your focus is not on your physical body, then wouldn't it be easier to induce LDs?

I have been practicing ADA and RRCs and SAT for a while now and the more I think about this close interaction and those tight connections between waking and dreaming life the easier it is to induce LDs. Last night for instance I noticed that my friend at who's villa I was doesn't even have a villa in real life... So I did my nose-plug RC (which somehow failed me for the very first time... I was unable to breathe after plugging my nose), but after this negative RC I somehow thought about the fact that I might still be sleeping because that's what I do about a third of my day and that dream and reality are linked together so closely and this thought gave me lucidity instantly. To be honest I don't exactly know why, but just thinking about the fact that I could be sleeping gave me lucidity.

Any thoughts or similar experiences? :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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