Saturday, August 31, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | I hear a voice before I go lucid? Please help

Very interesting, I'll lay in bed for about 3 minutes (depending on how tired I am) and then I'll hear a voice, as if my dream has started but I've not yet visualized it(?) then everything will go black as if I become unconscious and then become lucid. I want to share an experience which ties into sleep paralysis maybe.

I went to sleep at 3:27 am after finally finishing homework ( I had taken a nap and woken up at 9 pm, then stayed up until the 3:27 mark)

I tried lucid dreaming, so I laid in bed and focused on my body going to sleep, then I felt like someone was touching the palms of my hands, but kinda like an energy, hard to explain. I then remember hearing a voice 3 seconds before I went unconscious. I found myself in another bed in my dream, I looked and my hands to do a reality check and they were completely distorted, as if they were broken but also they looked swollen from the palms. I rubbed my hands together so I could make the dream more vivid, and my hands felt very numb. I then started hearing sounds in the bed as I laid there, like it would be silent and then I'd hear like someone scratching something, or plastic bag sound. I then got scarred to I closed my eyes in my dream and opened them in the real world, I did a reality check to make sure I wasn't still dreaming.

I'd like to point out that I get these sudden burst of lucid dreams and then they stop and then they come back. Why does this happen? I look back to see if I do something different on these nights then on the different nights, but I can't seem to contrast between them.

Any tips on how to maintain a consistent lucidity every single night?

I don't seem to have a technique, I just lay in bed, and I know when I'm falling asleep because most of the time I'll hear like a voice say something (don't know what though).

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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