Friday, August 23, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | mentioning lucid dreaming while dreaming?

Alright the pass few days my dreams are becoming more and more vivid. All they have in common is a girl (different one each time) and somewhere we talk about lucid dreaming or question if its a dream but I always get easily persuaded that its not a dream. I know I am getting closer to my first ld and want some advice on how to pass this. Here are in two of the dreams if u want to hear.

I am walking around my bedroom just thinking, when a friend named nick came in. (I never talk to him that often) he told me that him and I were both selected to be prefects/helpers of the school. He handed me an ID that showed I was a prefect and we started to drive off to school. As we were entering a girl named "" decided to come with us. While In the car to school I kept talking to this girl (prefer not to say her name but I never really thought much about her before) then she starts teasing me about lucid dreaming. So I said oh you know about lucid dreaming? she smiles then hits me and we began play fighting and I never questioned if it was a dream.

Second dream: the story is long so ill just make it easier and try to skip through. First you need to know the backround to understand. This is irl I was in utah went to a dance with a girl I found really attractive hung out with her for a few days (it was a week camp thing to learn about the college) I slowed danced with her ext ext. She told me she was moving to california (where i live irl) i went home and havent really talked to her since ( about 2 months ago) then to the dream part. I was walking home from school with a buddy when I saw a girl with brightly colored hair. I went up to her moved her hair from her face and saw that it was the girl from utah. Talked talked ext ext. Found my mom and she took me to a roller coaster that just came into town. We rode it and when the ride was finished their was no one controlling the ride and the ride didn't stop so we rode it again. This time it stopped and my mom and I got off. On my way out to go home the girl I met from Utah came up to me and my mom and asked if I could stay and hang out with her. I quickly talk to my mom and ask her if I was dreaming? She said if it was a dream why do I see it also? Then I discarded thinking it was a dream and went with the girl.

Any tips to help me? I know I'm close to my first ld. Thank you

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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