Sunday, December 8, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Tip for WILD!

Hello guys! :)

When i first started WILD, i had problems keeping conscious while lying down. I always drifted of to sleep and the WILD failed. I know a lot of you WILd'ers have or had this problem. I've found a simple technique that tells you when you are falling asleep and so it tells you to be more conscious!

1: Lay down after a WBTB.

2: Bend your knees so you're lying like this: o-^

3: When drifting of to sleep, your legs will drift apart. When this happens, you are losing consciousness! Put your knees together and start over. Doing this will train you to feel the moment of falling asleep and getting used to it. After some time, you are used to the feeling of falling asleep and you can remain conscious without the leg technique and just lay down flat without bend knees.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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