Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | FA's: Do Most DEILDs Actually Occur During False Awakenings? Do FA's Have a Purpose?

I have a feeling that a lot of people have false awakenings and just don't recognize them. I have read theories that lucid dreamers are more likely to have them, but perhaps we are just more likely to catch them either during or after the dream since we pay attention to our dreams. Sometimes it takes me a while to remember that I had a false awakening so my gut feeling is that I am missing many of them altogether. Often the way I catch them after the fact is when I realize that I thought that I had already written something in my dream journal but later find that I hadn't. I think they are often missed because they are often so realistically duplicating the feeling of getting up, something that is so mundane and repetitive that we often do it on auto-pilot paying no attention at all.

I have been wondering lately if most or all of the DEILDs I had were actually during FA's...perhaps it was easy to DEILD because I was actually still dreaming...I had just dreamt that I was waking up (FA).

Lately I am noticing many of my LDs end by waking up but I later realize I only woke into a FA. I occasionally catch these but I am working towards catching a very high percentage of them.

All of this also makes me wonder if FAs have a purpose and if the brain is attempting to counter lucidity. Reading around the web some theorize that FAs often present things that we need to confront, but the ones that I remember are not confrontational or scary.

I am interested in other people's opinions on the above theories, other's experiences with FAs with or without relation to DEILDs and any tips that anyone has. My current focus is EVERYTIME I feel like I am waking up: #1 attempt quick DEILD and if nothing apparent #2 do a few motionless RC's. The goal is to do this no matter how sure I am that I have woken up. It is harder than I thought at first.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=148305&goto=newpost

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