Sunday, January 3, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | No Reality Checks

I've had plenty of Lucid dreams and I've never done an RC to attain lucidity, I usually start the dream lucid or I'm just like, yea I'm dreaming without signs or RC's. What is this? Also, I have an ok amount of dream control but sometimes I forget that DC's aren't real. I've only had once lucid where I knew DC's were fake. Like one time I was lucid and my mom was there! I was like MOM WERE DREAMING! The dream carried on, then I said Hey mom imma go wake you up lol. So I woke myself up and ran to my moms room and woke her up. She then got mad at me and I just realized that it wasnt possible for her real self to be in my dream and I went back to bed feeling like an idiot. What was this?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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