Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | DEILD Device

Hi, with all of the latest gadgets on the market, i am still shocked that there is no simple device to succesfully DEILD when the concept / idea is so very simple

If there was something that could be worn on the wrist that vibrates after 6 hours of sleep and them 30 mins after which would auto shut off after 5 seconds then this would be fantastic. However ..

I have an Apple I watch, i also have an app that rings my phone at 6 hours / 6.5 hours / 7 hours etc for a few seconds. The watch then vibrates on my wrist. The problem is that the vibrate on on the watch is not strong enough to wake me up

I have spend months researching and there is actually no device on Earth that you can put on your wrist to vibrate at set intervals for several seconds ... nothing (apart from apple watch which is not strong enough)

Entrepreneurs out there ... a market awaits! :-)

Create something that goes onto your wrist and then vibrates for several seconds at set intervals (strong enough to wake someone up)

This would make an amazing DEILD device!!!

I appreciate that there are auto shut off alarm clocks and that headphones can be worn with iphone apps etc but something simple on the wrist would do the trick


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1J0NTg2

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