Monday, January 18, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | DEILD Mask Results. A Missed Trick?

Im confused, at least I was confused. I like to be confused as it gives me the opportunity to 'unconfuse' myself and discover new ways of doing things. The issue of this weeks confusion lies within the lucid dreaming mask industry.

And this is the confusing issue of my now-unconfused confusion! - confused?

So I have been a real champion of late of DEILD using an alarm (CANwild) I have been practising using apps, headphones, auto-stop alarms and have has some nominal success. In fact when I look at my analytical data I can see that the following has occured when trying to perform a DEILD

Performing a DEILD after a natural awakening - 4 successes
Performing a DELID using an alarm app with headphones - 5 successes

As you can see, being interupted during sleep as opposed to after sleep seems more successful as long as the alarm is just enough to rouse and not jerk you wide awake.

When awoken during REM it is easy, even effortless to become lucid via a dream or OBE

Aaaaannnnyyywwwaaaaayyyysssss ...... I have been researching dream masks with rem detection and in the instructions and on forums the number 1 problem seems to be that the flashing LED lights may wake you up. Methods are offered how to avoid waking up so that the lights intergrate into the dream instead of waking you up

Now this is where im confused because from my opinion, this makes lucid dream masks absolutley and unequivably THE PERFECT DEVICE FOR DEILDS!

I now have a RemDreamer mask, i slip it on, i set it so the lights will be bright enough to wake me and set it to flash for 2 seconds and it is perfect. I sleep, it wakes me in REM and i simply DEILD!

Im confused as to why the makers of these masks do not amplify the fact that their product can double as a fantastic DEILD device instead of doing everything they can to advice against waking up with their device ... odd, very odd!

If I was the inventor of RemDreamer / Novadreamer / even Remee, i would be saying that ' if the led lights wake you then perform a DEILD'

What do you guys make of this, i think the lucid mask industry is really missing an advertising trick here!

Also do you think the infrared detectors are safe for the eye?

Thanks guys

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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