Sunday, January 17, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Mugwort Revisited: Making it Make Sense

Mugwort has irked me a bit because it really doesn't work that well (or does it????) and it's often mentioned as a dream enhancer. People talk about putting it under their pillows and having vivid dreams. Since this sounds like woo-woo to me, and because I've tried putting mugwort under my pillow, to absolutely no avail, and also drinking disgusting teas brewed out of the stuff (also crap), I basically wrote it off as strictly a placebo (nothing wrong with that, but I want something a little more reliable).

Enter Charlie Morley. I happened to stumble across a line in his newer book discussing burning mugwort on WBTB or in the room before bed. So I did it. I burned a whole lot of it. It smells worse burned than it does fresh, but the effects were incredibly powerful--very vivid dreams, and early in the night.

My thoughts on this: either one, burning releases whatever oneirogen is actually in the plant, and makes it accessible to the body. Fryingman mentioned somewhere the wormwood needs to be broken down in alcohol before it can be used (so I assume the same for mugwort, if thujone is what messes with dreaming). Fire could be the agent needed to have good mugwort times (or you could smoke it, I guess).

Or, it has nothing to do with what is burned, and awareness is raised simply by smoke being in the room. Something in the lizard brain that says, "Oh shit, there's a fire! We'd better dream vividly!"

If it is the second (which is my favorite, actually) then one could expect to see results diminish over time (if used very often). Once in a while, though, might provide a good boost to dreaming.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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