Monday, January 18, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | A Few Tips

Through the past couple of days, i stopped trying techniques and just changed my attitude and mindset a bit and in 2 days i almost had 3 lucid dreams. I was on a dry spell before!

There are a few things that make lucid dreaming easier:

1|Look forward to your dreams, lucid or not

For so long i have looked at non-lucids as mere obstacles in my way but the moment i started looking forward to them, they became much more exciting. Like them for what they are!

2|Don't stress yourself if you don't get lucid dreams
For a long time, i have been getting frustrated when i don't get lucid dreams.. Just now i figured out that i was unintentionally stressing myself over not having lucid dreams..
Stress kills lucidity. This might also be the reason why some people get lucids when they stop trying to get them.

In the long term, it increases self-awareness and you can use it for mindfulness.. Effectively improving your chances to have a lucid dream. You don't have to meditate for 10 hours every day, even 5 minutes are good enough. It has other benefits too...

4|RC properly

Those "almost 3 lucid dreams" were all wasted because i didn't RC properly. RCing properly means that you actually RC and think, not just do it automatically with no thought!
I also recommend to use 2 reality checking methods instead of only 1. For me, this makes sure that i become lucid even if the first RC fails on me.

5|A Word on Dream Stabilization

I don't know if i'm the only one, but i'm still having trouble stabilizing. I only realized how to properly do it a while ago, but since then i had a dry spell.
To stabilize, the main goal is to be immersed with your dream environment. Be it by rubbing your hands or touching the walls.. The main purpose is to engage your senses in the dream. Don't focus on your thoughts too much, i do that and accidentally stop focusing on the dream altogether, and i wake up. You can DEILD at this point to hop back on though!

6|Improve Dream Memory
I don't see this mentioned that much, so i'll go ahead and say it.
When you become lucid, try to remember things.. Your full name, what day it is, what you did yesterday, ect.. This activates most of your waking-memory back.
I say this because memory is majorly fogged in dreams, and that's also why sometimes despite being lucid, i go through doors instead of going through the walls.

That's all that i had to say. This could be obvious or not.. But hopefully someone benefits from these tips anyway. I'll leave them here, do with them as you will.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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