Sunday, January 31, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Consistency

Hello Dreamviews peeps,

I've been stalking these forums for maybe 6 years now. I remember having a really crazy dream and without even having ever heard the word "lucid dreaming" I randomly google searched "dreams" and lucid dreaming came up and my curiosity was piqued! You can control your dreams?! That's crazy. Well I was crazy hooked. I tried everything I could and worked super hard to try and become crazy good at dreaming. But always fall flat and end up going through these phases where I'm stoked about lucid dreaming, then I neglect it because I keep thinking how bad I am and how I can never get more than like 1 lucid dream in the course of like 3-4 months of trying really hard. It's just incredibly frustrating having devoted so much time and effort into this and what do I have to show for it? About 7 entire minutes of lucid dreaming.

This is incredibly disappointing.

I've scoured the DV academy. Read all of sageous's WILD posts. Read the DV academy dream yoga forum in its entirety. I keep dream journals, and take vitamins, and have looked at these lucid dreaming masks that clearly don't work; Countless hours of practicing these methods and all day awareness and MILD WILD DILD DEILD and WBTB and none of it has worked.

I am not lazy. I can't begin to explain how badly I want to be good at this. You could even call it a passion of mine. So many of you maybe share my frustrations. I just would like some insight on how I can progress through this really irritating position I'm in and help me attain lucidity.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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