Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Reality Checks Not Working In My Dream?!

My reality checks work.. SOMETIMES. Which is pretty strange the 2 reality checks I remember to do in a dream is where you plug your nose and try to breathe through it and the second is to bite your tongue and see if it hurts. Sometimes when i do these reality checks they don't work and i just continue in my dream as if it was real life. For example, last night i was dreaming I was in my living room when I felt as if I was dreaming so I plugged my nose and I couldn't breathe through it. I was surprised because I really thought I was dreaming so I decided to try another one. I bit my tongue and I felt pain. So after these 2 failed reality checks all I remember is waking up from my dream and getting pissed and very confused how these reality checks didn't work.

Is there something I did wrong? is it normal for this to happen? and has anybody else experienced this?


I usually use the DEILD method and sometimes WILD but, the WILD doesn't really work for me I either get into sleep paralysis and I don't enter a dream or I completely blank out and wake up still in sleep paralysis. The DEILD usually always works for me I actually thought I created this method on my own before I joined this site and learned the same thing I do is actually a real method other people use (which was 5 minutes ago)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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