Monday, May 27, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | problem of DEILDing...

In the past few days,, i was trying to DEILD with no success..

DEILD is to wake up in rem and fall back into it without moving .. And i tried it this morning,,

I woke up this morning by alarm and didnt move,,and still remember the dream few seconds ago.. also my heart beating much faster..

but i stay still and relax for 1 minute,, nothing happened:/

Ive tried successfully DEILD once before...felt the vibrations and strange sound..

Was my alarm too loud/ soft?(it just rang for 3 seconds)

too excited?(heart beating so fast)

ive got another question..

Is it easier to be waken up by alarm in rem sleep than non rem sleep?

Thankyou so much for helping!!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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