Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Help with WILD


Originally Posted by coopercrue View Post

Last night I discovered an easy way to attain lucidity and sleep paralysis fast. Now this may sound silly, but lay on the ground on the side of your bed on your back with your arms on your side. After about 10-15 minutes, your body will become so uncomfortable that it almost urges you to get back on your bed, when it is so unpleasent that you can't stand it anymore, get back on your bed. The body will be so relieved that it will grab the chance to fall into a deep sleep in about 5 minutes. After you fall asleep you will start the LDing.

METHOD 2. Lay on your bed on your back with your arms on your side. DO NOT go to sleep, remain conciousness. After a while your mind will question "Is the body ready to go to sleep?" to confirm that the body is still awake, it will urge you to roll over to another position. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU IGNORE THE URGE. The urge becomes excrutiatingly painful, IGNORE THE URGE! After about 5-20 seconds of pain, your mind will confirm that the body is asleep, and enter sleep paralysis. When awake and experiencing sleep paralysis, it can be scary. It will feel like you can not breathe. If you do not want to continue, change your breathing pattern into deep, long breaths. The mind will notice that the body is awake and it will wake up altogether, If you would like to continue in sleep paralysis, just sit there for about 5-10 seconds. The body will enter the Lucid Dreaming state. I hope I helped, and happy LDing. :)

Please help me I have tried to hard to lucid dream I have done a dream journal realitiy checks everything I did this but I didn't go past the bit where my arms felt weightless please help I really need to do this I have tried for two years and nothings helped now I'm doing sp I really want to do this please help :(

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

1 comment:

  1. ucid dreams can also be used as a sandbox to prepare for nearly any life event.
    Lucid dreaming
