Monday, May 20, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Prospective Memory Training

I've just come across the idea of Prospective Memory Training.

The idea is to remember do a reality check when target events happen e.g. Each time you open a door triggers a reality check, and to note down the most frequently achieved targets.

The idea is to exercise a part of your brain that spontaneously remembers to do things on a trigger event (e.g. Next time I go by a bank to cash a cheque) and use it so that dreaming triggers RCs and hence lucidity.

Question I have for ppl that are familiar with this is how spontaneous does it have to be done?

E.g. Say one of my targets is to RC every time I see myself in a mirror. Say I think about what my targets are then enter a bathroom and look into a mirror and RC would that be too premeditated? Or is the way it's supposed to be done to be to RC only if I remember my targets as I am looking in a mirror (i.e. Spontaneously)?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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