Friday, May 24, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Advice on my lucid induction techniques (need help plz!)

Will you please comment on my method and tell me how to improve it? Is this too complicated? Should i simplify it? Should i alter or add to it? I have been using these lucid dream induction techniques for about three weeks with limited success. The description is below.

Part one: morning

- Before getting out of bed lay down and relax. Try to remember any dreams you had the night before.

- If you have a really memorable dream or a Lucid dream write it down in your dream journal.

- if you have a lucid dream thank your subconscious and say how we'll it went. Say see i am an expert lucid dreamer!! I can have Lucius on command! How i can trust the techniques i use to work. That i can trust my subconscious to help me dream. How i mastered lucid dreaming.

Part 2: daytime awareness

- use a lucid totem (playing card) to remind yourself to do RC's and self awareness

- every time something out of the ordinary happens tell yourself "i am dreaming!!" try to completely convince yourself that you are dreaming and recreate the feeling of excitement that you get when y do lucid dream. Then i do my dream stabilization technique which is rubbing my hands together while looking at my hands and i repeat i am dreaming in my head. ( if i am with a group of people or have attention on me i will skip this part for obvious reasons) then i do reality checks to determine wether i am dreaming or not.

- every time you get that mental feeling do reality checks.

-replicate and visualize the feeling you will get when you have a lucid dream.

-When using self awareness notice the feeling all over your body sights sounds movementetc

Part 3: Before bed

Write down explanations to why you can lucid dream in your note book.

Meditation steps:

1) relax and let go all thoughts

2) focus on your natural breathing and remind yourself to think about lucid dreaming

3) ones you become relaxed, start deep breathing technique

4) once your mind feels completely clear start repeating this "i am dreaming" and "i can lucid dream on command"

5) exit the meditation feeling calm and relaxed

Part 4: prepare to sleep

Go over the techniques you will use tonight. Look over your writing in notes. Convince your subconscious that you can and will have a lucid dream. Visualize how it will feel when you become lucid.

- Prepare yourself to Look for dream signs ex doing drugs (smoking weed etc) unfamiliar places being introuble waking up in bed trying to fall asleep, being in your room

Part 5: drift off to sleep

try to stay aware as you fall asleep. repeat 5 times "i will lucid. stay and be aware of your eyes being shut. Look deep into the darkness and search for any faint colors or patterns. Then shift your attention to your hearing listen for any ringing or buzzing sounds. Then switch to your body. Notice any odd sensations like itching buzzing or tingling in the hands and feet then switch back to visuals and so on. Cycle for about 20 to 30 seconds each. As you get tired fall asleep naturally while repeating "i am dreaming" "i am aware"

Part 6: If you wake up in the middle of the night

Option 1 WILD

try to stay aware as you fall asleep. repeat 5 times "i will lucid dream" and 10 times "i am dreaming" Stay stay and be aware of your eyes being shut. Look deep into the darkness and search for any faint colors or patterns. Then shift your attention to your hearing listen for any ringing or buzzing sounds. Then switch to your body. Notice any odd sensations like itching buzzing or tingling in the hands and feet then switch back to visuals and so on. Cycle for about 20 to 30 seconds each. You have 2 options from here:

1) let yourself fall asleep naturally

2) As you fall deeper into sleep state remain aware and focus even more on visualizatins and repetition of phrases like i am dreaming. "I am aware"

Option 2 MILD (if you feel lazy)

Stay awake for 5 minutes or go to the bathroom. When you go back to bed keep repeating i will have a lucid dream until you fall asleep or "i am dreaming" "i am aware"

Option 3 DEILD (if you wake up or feel yourself wake up from a dream)

don't move and close your eyes and stay aware and you might re-enter the dream. Use wild techniques from above.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

1 comment:

  1. That really good information i am new to lucid dreams and i hope your given info will help me to get good lucid dreams..
    Lucid dreaming techniques
