Friday, May 31, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | I don't care about the details in my dreams.

Well guys, as the title says, everytime i am dreaming if i ever see something

out of normal, i don't care about the weird details on my dream and just keep going

what i am doing in my dream.

literally version:


*Walking down on the street when suddenly i look to my hand*

Me - Wow i have 3 fingers, so cool, now let's keep going.

*Dream continues*

I don't know why is this happening, but i thought i would be lucid right away when i noticed

that detail wasn't normal.

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SPECIAL EDITION: Web News from Suni

Lucid Dreaming | I had my first lucid dream but I panicked and woke up.

It's kind of hard to explain. I was kind of half-asleep half-awake, and I decided to do a RC. I held my nose, and I could breathe. So just to make sure, I held out my hand and said "apple" an apple appeared in my hand. But when I started to get out of bed (in the dream) I blacked out and woke up in the real world. Why did this happen? I didn't freak out, I just kind of panicked a little.

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Lucid Dreaming | Suggestions on attaining lucidity?

I've had two lucid dreams thus far. I've been trying so very hard to have another :( No luck. 7/6/12 my 23-year old son passed away in an accident. The night of 7/7, he was sitting in a chair in my room. As I approached him, he stood up and I said "I knew you wouldn't leave me" and he looked at me and said, "Mom, I'm gone now" and I started crying and begged him to please come back. He grabbed me and hugged me and said he would be back but it would be a while because he had work to do. I smelled his hair, I felt his hair, I felt his arms - it was absolutely real to me. Before he passed away, I had never read about lucid dreaming, astral travel, ADC's, etc. After he passed, I delved into everything I could and read a lot about the "work" we do in the spirit realm. When skeptics tell me that it was my subconcious bereavement that caused the dream and that's all it was, I ask then "how his words to me about 'work to do' could enter my subcouncious if I never heard of that before? I have bought a zillion meditation cd's to try and have another dream - to no avail. :( Any suggestions or do I just wait and hope? :) Thanks for your time :)

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Lucid Dreaming | Is Lucid Dreaming Dangerous in any way?

I'm not saying that I want to stop it, it's FUN, but I'm just asking if it have effect on the health.

Oh, anybody know good tips to dream lucid more frequently?

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Lucid Dreaming | Technique to make reality checks more efficient

This is something i figured out when i was trying lucid dreaming. So the main concept is, when you do a reality check try to remember your previous reality check. This might be hard in the beginning, but it will help your mind to remember that reality checks are important and it will help make every reality check count.

I think you can compare this to your dream recall, when you wake up and write down your dreams your mind will automatically find dreams more important and will therefore remember them better. Now when you do a reality check, and think back at your last reality check, your mind will find that reality checks are important, and you will have it easier remembering to perform them.

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Chess Puzzle | 5/31/2013 - J Piket - L McShane, Bundesliga 1996/7

Thursday, May 30, 2013

….On Education

Lucid Dreaming | Need help. Reality check with expectation effect problem?

I'm understand the general idea of reality checks but, I'm confused with one thing. We experience the phenomenon of the expectation effect in dreams. I had a dream with high awareness where I realize it was a dream and did my reality check of counting my fingers. I counted 10 finger, then i decided that i want to confirm its a dream so i shifted my expectation to counting 12 fingers and i did. Since then, i do my reality check with the expectation of counting 12 fingers. Am I setting myself for failure by using the expectation effect or should this make the reality check more consistent? I haven't had a lucid dream since I modified my reality check but I am a beginner. Any help is much appreciated.

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Lucid Dreaming | Reality Checks Not Working In My Dream?!

My reality checks work.. SOMETIMES. Which is pretty strange the 2 reality checks I remember to do in a dream is where you plug your nose and try to breathe through it and the second is to bite your tongue and see if it hurts. Sometimes when i do these reality checks they don't work and i just continue in my dream as if it was real life. For example, last night i was dreaming I was in my living room when I felt as if I was dreaming so I plugged my nose and I couldn't breathe through it. I was surprised because I really thought I was dreaming so I decided to try another one. I bit my tongue and I felt pain. So after these 2 failed reality checks all I remember is waking up from my dream and getting pissed and very confused how these reality checks didn't work.

Is there something I did wrong? is it normal for this to happen? and has anybody else experienced this?


I usually use the DEILD method and sometimes WILD but, the WILD doesn't really work for me I either get into sleep paralysis and I don't enter a dream or I completely blank out and wake up still in sleep paralysis. The DEILD usually always works for me I actually thought I created this method on my own before I joined this site and learned the same thing I do is actually a real method other people use (which was 5 minutes ago)

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Lucid Dreaming | Having trouble with attaining lucidity

Hi everyone, i just need some advise on attaining lucidity and need to know if i understand the concept completely

From what I've read so far is that lucidity is when you are "awake" in your dream, that you can control your actions completely.

I also want to know how real the dreams have to be? like does the dream have to be as real as you see things in person?

I have had maybe 2 dreams when i was in about grade 2 that everything looked as real as it can get and i did have control in my dreams but i haven't had anything like that for years..

I have been trying to gain control of my dreams for about 4 days now but as soon as i realize i am dreaming the dream immediately becomes vivid and ends.

I've started keeping a journal of all my dreams because I've read it improves your memory, i haven't been doing reality checks cause i am still not sure exactly what i'm supposed to do and i don't understand how reality checks can help cause if you are in a dream doesn't everything just feel the same and all of that? but i do notice i'm dreaming.

So what do all of you think could be the best thing for me to do?? :)

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Chess Puzzle | 5/30/2013 - Imaginative Mating Idea

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Issues with staying still.

Generally when I try to have a lucid dream I lay straight on my back with my arms by my side. I've tried in a more natural sleeping position but I find I just fall asleep. Anyway, usually when I'm laying there is something bothers me, like an itch, I can kind of ignore it or tell myself that it'll go away on it's own an eventually it does, but about 20 minutes into my laying there my arms and legs get a really strong desire to move, almost like a "restless leg syndrome" kind of thing. It gets to the point where it's almost uncomfortable not to move, at which point I usually move and give up on trying to have a lucid dream. Does anyone know of a way I can combat this, or any other ways of trying to gain lucidity that might be easier? Thanks.


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Video of the Week: Personal SHTF Situation — Prepper Survival Preparedness HD

Lucid Dreaming | Help with WILD


Originally Posted by coopercrue View Post

Last night I discovered an easy way to attain lucidity and sleep paralysis fast. Now this may sound silly, but lay on the ground on the side of your bed on your back with your arms on your side. After about 10-15 minutes, your body will become so uncomfortable that it almost urges you to get back on your bed, when it is so unpleasent that you can't stand it anymore, get back on your bed. The body will be so relieved that it will grab the chance to fall into a deep sleep in about 5 minutes. After you fall asleep you will start the LDing.

METHOD 2. Lay on your bed on your back with your arms on your side. DO NOT go to sleep, remain conciousness. After a while your mind will question "Is the body ready to go to sleep?" to confirm that the body is still awake, it will urge you to roll over to another position. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU IGNORE THE URGE. The urge becomes excrutiatingly painful, IGNORE THE URGE! After about 5-20 seconds of pain, your mind will confirm that the body is asleep, and enter sleep paralysis. When awake and experiencing sleep paralysis, it can be scary. It will feel like you can not breathe. If you do not want to continue, change your breathing pattern into deep, long breaths. The mind will notice that the body is awake and it will wake up altogether, If you would like to continue in sleep paralysis, just sit there for about 5-10 seconds. The body will enter the Lucid Dreaming state. I hope I helped, and happy LDing. :)

Please help me I have tried to hard to lucid dream I have done a dream journal realitiy checks everything I did this but I didn't go past the bit where my arms felt weightless please help I really need to do this I have tried for two years and nothings helped now I'm doing sp I really want to do this please help :(

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Guest Post: Skill sets…….

Chess Puzzle | 5/29/2013 - Mate in 3

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Special sale from The Berkey Guy on Emberlit Stoves…..

Lucid Dreaming | mind skips

Ok well after a long dry streak of lucid dreams i had one last night. i was in a bathroom and for some reason i was sleeping there. i had probably 3 false awakening before i became lucid. i told myself i need to calm down so i dont wake i cal down. and next thing i know im waking up to my dad calling my name. ik thats not why i lost lucidity because the lucid dream was the first dream i had that night.. but i remembered others after that. so how come when i come myself down. to stay lucid. next thing i know.. its a few hours later and i have to go to school

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Lucid Dreaming | Disabled and need help becoming Lucid

I am disabled (only physically not mentally) and I need help on how to become lucid, (I cant get in or out of bed myself) once I am in bed I'm unable to move anything except my head, arms and hands/feet, I also sleep on my side and can't roll over onto my back. As you can see this is a problem and I need your expert help :D.

So I wish to become lucid and have great dreams that I can remember and be free, I would love some help on this please, I feel like I'm alone with this problem.

I have read some stuff about Lucid dreaming and I think I know the basics, Just treat me as if I'm completely new, may be easier that way. :D

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Chess Puzzle | 5/28/2013 - Schulten-Horwitz, London 1846

Monday, May 27, 2013

Guest Post: …On Force Multipliers (Night Vision)

Lucid Dreaming | Unable to think straight while lucid, it's almost like I'm high/stoned!

So I managed to get myself to lucid dream about 3-4 times a week but I never feel fully myself and controlled in my lucid dreams. I can fly or summon things in my dreams but my thoughts always seem off or disturbed. It's hard to explain, it's like being high/stoned of weed. I can't think 100% clear like the way I want to and my mind is never fully at ease.

Has anyone else had this problem before? I'm tired of being dazed, unable to think clearly in my lucids :roll:

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Lucid Dreaming | The Characteristics of Success

Hey guys! Today I am just going to share my thoughts about success, eventually this will lead to some theory of how to make lucid dreaming a natural thing but I will talk about different topics that will lead to that so have patience with me.

I have been totally off this forum for some months in order to take care of some different things in my life.

And the main focus was my confidence, so I have been out talking to random strangers and actually managed to kiss a girl in less than 10 minutes of meeting her, and this was not in a club or a bar this was in the day and I met her in a mall. Well I approached her. :roll:

The second thing I was focusing on during these days was my philosophy studies.

And what's interesting is that the main principles that I followed to succeed with girls was the same principles that I used to write to people on this forum to help them out with lucid dreaming. So when it felt tough I actually read my own posts and advice about lucid dreaming such as:

"Don't focus on the results, enjoy and focus on the process itself and the result will come faster and naturally."

And now when I read philosophy I started to realize that the path to success is the same no matter what you are doing.

Today I went back to this forum again and saw that not much had changed when it comes to the beginner's mindset.

They still look for the BEST METHOD or TECHNIQUE.

And ironically enough the pickup community looks similar: "What's the best way to get a girl to laugh?", "What is the best thing to say to start a conversation with a girl?", "How do you deal with guys who blocks you from getting the girl?" which sounds very similar to these questions:

"What's the best way to get relaxed?", "What is the best thing to do in order to trick your body to fall asleep?", "How do you deal with itches that prevent you to lay still?"

Ok before I reveal the epiphany I had, I am just going to quickly explain how ancient Greek moral philosophy looks like:

Modern philosophy is focusing on consequences and what action that is the right thing to do.

Greek philosophy on the other hand is instead more focused on what characteristics of a person that provides happiness.

So Greek philosophy isn't really trying to provide a solution to every situation and an answer to the question of how to act.

Instead the they give an answer of how to be through virtues in order to achieve the best result automatically and this end result is happiness.

And a simplified version of the Greek Philosophy I talk about is "If a person is truly happy with himself, he will act morally to other persons as well."

Why would a truly happy person look down on others? This is a powerful lesson because this shows that you never should take anything personally, because it never is!

This mindset of being instead of doing really affected me and funny enough this was the answer to the questions above.

"What's the best way to get a girl to laugh?" - There is no way to make every girl laugh (unless you tickle them, well not even that because all girls isn't ticklish...) the point is that if you are a person that have fun she will most likely also have fun and instead of desperately trying to make her laugh which will most likely result in you being needy and she becoming uncomfortable, you do something that you find funny and she will most likely find it fun as well. If she doesn't find it fun, it's not a big deal because you are not there to make her laugh you are there to have fun. And this is the mindset of a guy who gets girls, to have fun!

"What is the best thing to say to start a conversation with a girl?" Again there is no universal solution for this, if you have fun no matter what result you get from the girls you start to talk to, you will convey the personality that will make the girl interested in you and they will hopefully stay. ;)

"How do you deal with guys who blocks you from getting the girl?" Be what you want to happen. You can't control this from not happening, so if you focus on trying to ignore or get rid of the guy he will most likely not leave you alone. But if you just accept his presence and actually talk to him like nothing has happened, he will block himself because he will seem insecure and rude. But this result can't be guaranteed you can just be what you know is right and more often than not this works in your favour.

So the moral of the story is, accept your problems and be what you want to be and your problems will erase themselves and you will be what you want to be.

Ok you might wonder why I use pickup examples... But I just want to really show you how universal the principles of success happiness is.

"What's the best way to get relaxed?" - Instead of looking for the best relaxation that works for the majority of the 6 billion people on earth.

Ask yourself what makes YOU relaxed. Instead of desperately trying to get relaxed which will most likely result in you being anxious and uncomfortable, you do something that you find relaxing and you will most likely become relaxed automatically. If this way doesn't work for the majority of the rest 6 billion people, it's not a big deal because you are doing this to find a way to make them relax, you are doing this to make YOU relax.

"What is the best thing to do in order to trick your body to fall asleep?" - Again there is no universal solution for this, if you are enjoying the process of relaxation you don't even have to think about tricking your body to fall asleep, because you will automatically do the right things and it will take care of itself.

"How do you deal with itches that prevent you to lay still?" Be what you want to happen. You can't control this from not happening, so if you focus on trying to get rid of the itch it will most likely not. But if you just accept it's presence and actually focus on it and continue to relax like nothing has happened, it will block itself and dissapear. But this result can't be guaranteed you can just be what you know is right and more often than not this works in your favour.

So the on going theme is that you should just do what YOU find amusing and not judge yourself.

There is a tool that helps you with exactly this that I use both to improve my sleep and my pickup and my whole life really.

And that is MEDITATION :meditate:

Your first reaction was probably, "BUT, BUT THAT's A METHOD..." my answer to this is - No and Yes.

This is something that will make you more aware, have more vivid dreams, stop overthink, get less stressed, calmer and happier etc.

But meditation isn't something that I do, it's something that I AM 20 min every day.

In modern society we are so much in our head, in the future or the past that we are rarely in the now.

That's why it is so hard to WILD, we think about what we are going to do, we think about what the best method is etc. So no wonder why people think it's hard to relax and to be present in the moment. Instead we judge ourselves and get anxious and are worried over not having results, in other words we are in a negative circle because we are NEGATIVE ourselves.

Meditation helps you to stop judge yourself, be present in the moment, and helps you understand and to focus on enjoying the process.

I hope that this text was helpful to you and to round this of I am going to share a really good meditation tutorial:

I am also just going to say that meditation is just like life, sometimes it flows perfectly and everything is all good yeah. :shadewink:

But sometimes it's boring, awful and annoying and hectic :panic:

So the first time you do meditation, don't give up on it just because it felt horrible the first times. Because then you are missing something BIG.

By having this mindset you are naturally doing the things required to become a successful lucid dreamer, just combine the principles with whatever induction method you want and it will make the journey more enjoyable and faster.

From Pickup to Greek Philosophy to Lucid Dreaming and Meditation I am finally done and have reached THE END.

Principles of Success:

- Enjoy the process and the lesssons, don't focus on the results.

- Never judge yourself.

- Take nothing personally.

- Be in the present moment.

- Be what you want to be.

- Have fun!

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Lucid Dreaming | problem of DEILDing...

In the past few days,, i was trying to DEILD with no success..

DEILD is to wake up in rem and fall back into it without moving .. And i tried it this morning,,

I woke up this morning by alarm and didnt move,,and still remember the dream few seconds ago.. also my heart beating much faster..

but i stay still and relax for 1 minute,, nothing happened:/

Ive tried successfully DEILD once before...felt the vibrations and strange sound..

Was my alarm too loud/ soft?(it just rang for 3 seconds)

too excited?(heart beating so fast)

ive got another question..

Is it easier to be waken up by alarm in rem sleep than non rem sleep?

Thankyou so much for helping!!

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Chess Puzzle | 5/27/2013 - Mate in 2

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Guest Post: You’re doing it wrong. Another article on gear…gun gear


Lucid Dreaming | Wild

I've returned to my attempt at gaining lucidity once again, as I've got free time on my hands than what I know what to do with.

I just want to ask the community a question really quick: I spent a few weeks attempting my first DILD with no luck, and eventually gave up and waited for more free time (as I do know). Last night, I believe I had my very first Lucid Dream (DILD); however, now that I want to try and get back into the swing of things...I want to attempt the WILD method, as it seems very...very handy (you can practically create your Lucid Dream when you want it, if I'm not mistaken).

Does anyone have any professional opinions on this? Is going from attempting DILD to WILD a large jump?



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Lucid Dreaming | What are your favorite Methods to attain lucidity?

What is your favorite combination of methods to induce lucid dreaming? Do you use several techniques or 1? How successful have you been?

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Chess Puzzle | 5/26/2013 - Clean Sweep

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Guest Post: A First-timer’s Guide to Aquaponics

Lucid Dreaming | PrILD

Variation on MILD. Prayer Induced Lucid Dream.

Lay in bed and address the divine,,,,, Please, please, please,,,, or something like that. :)

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Lucid Dreaming | A new hope (for me) -SSILD

So I recently learned about SSILD. I am going to try this tonight, I hope. I want to know if anybody has any good words/praise or tips about SILDing. Please keep in mind that I am a novice LDer

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Chess Puzzle | 5/25/2013 - Pieces Out of Play

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Hello fellow dreamrs.

So just recently, I've been wondering about entering into your dreams, now I have looked and unless I'm missing something, I can't fing an extensive tutorial on hoe one exits/enter the dream sate one you achieve lucidity.

Now I've read a few tutorials on how t achieve this, but some of them are a bit obscure and the last tging I want _ along with many people, is to become lucid and then lose it due to lack of experience within the dream.

So my question are and no one particular...How do you got about.

P.S. I know it's a relatively noob quest, I just thing it need elaborating on a little.

So any help, advcie or pointers would be gratefully appreciated.



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Guest Post: Why Survival Gear and Training: The 3 Ws

Guest Post: When the days of civil war and destruction arrive

The Unofficial Hunger Games Wilderness Survival Guide giveaway winners……

Lucid Dreaming | Advice on my lucid induction techniques (need help plz!)

Will you please comment on my method and tell me how to improve it? Is this too complicated? Should i simplify it? Should i alter or add to it? I have been using these lucid dream induction techniques for about three weeks with limited success. The description is below.

Part one: morning

- Before getting out of bed lay down and relax. Try to remember any dreams you had the night before.

- If you have a really memorable dream or a Lucid dream write it down in your dream journal.

- if you have a lucid dream thank your subconscious and say how we'll it went. Say see i am an expert lucid dreamer!! I can have Lucius on command! How i can trust the techniques i use to work. That i can trust my subconscious to help me dream. How i mastered lucid dreaming.

Part 2: daytime awareness

- use a lucid totem (playing card) to remind yourself to do RC's and self awareness

- every time something out of the ordinary happens tell yourself "i am dreaming!!" try to completely convince yourself that you are dreaming and recreate the feeling of excitement that you get when y do lucid dream. Then i do my dream stabilization technique which is rubbing my hands together while looking at my hands and i repeat i am dreaming in my head. ( if i am with a group of people or have attention on me i will skip this part for obvious reasons) then i do reality checks to determine wether i am dreaming or not.

- every time you get that mental feeling do reality checks.

-replicate and visualize the feeling you will get when you have a lucid dream.

-When using self awareness notice the feeling all over your body sights sounds movementetc

Part 3: Before bed

Write down explanations to why you can lucid dream in your note book.

Meditation steps:

1) relax and let go all thoughts

2) focus on your natural breathing and remind yourself to think about lucid dreaming

3) ones you become relaxed, start deep breathing technique

4) once your mind feels completely clear start repeating this "i am dreaming" and "i can lucid dream on command"

5) exit the meditation feeling calm and relaxed

Part 4: prepare to sleep

Go over the techniques you will use tonight. Look over your writing in notes. Convince your subconscious that you can and will have a lucid dream. Visualize how it will feel when you become lucid.

- Prepare yourself to Look for dream signs ex doing drugs (smoking weed etc) unfamiliar places being introuble waking up in bed trying to fall asleep, being in your room

Part 5: drift off to sleep

try to stay aware as you fall asleep. repeat 5 times "i will lucid. stay and be aware of your eyes being shut. Look deep into the darkness and search for any faint colors or patterns. Then shift your attention to your hearing listen for any ringing or buzzing sounds. Then switch to your body. Notice any odd sensations like itching buzzing or tingling in the hands and feet then switch back to visuals and so on. Cycle for about 20 to 30 seconds each. As you get tired fall asleep naturally while repeating "i am dreaming" "i am aware"

Part 6: If you wake up in the middle of the night

Option 1 WILD

try to stay aware as you fall asleep. repeat 5 times "i will lucid dream" and 10 times "i am dreaming" Stay stay and be aware of your eyes being shut. Look deep into the darkness and search for any faint colors or patterns. Then shift your attention to your hearing listen for any ringing or buzzing sounds. Then switch to your body. Notice any odd sensations like itching buzzing or tingling in the hands and feet then switch back to visuals and so on. Cycle for about 20 to 30 seconds each. You have 2 options from here:

1) let yourself fall asleep naturally

2) As you fall deeper into sleep state remain aware and focus even more on visualizatins and repetition of phrases like i am dreaming. "I am aware"

Option 2 MILD (if you feel lazy)

Stay awake for 5 minutes or go to the bathroom. When you go back to bed keep repeating i will have a lucid dream until you fall asleep or "i am dreaming" "i am aware"

Option 3 DEILD (if you wake up or feel yourself wake up from a dream)

don't move and close your eyes and stay aware and you might re-enter the dream. Use wild techniques from above.

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Inforgraphic: 21 Medical Kit Must Haves

Chess Puzzle | 5/24/2013 - Winning With Technique

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Guest Post: Practical Prepping: Utilizing Resources and Gaining Experience

Lucid Dreaming | Half your body in a dream state, and not the other?

Sometime during a low quality normal dream, I realised I was dreaming - then dropped everything I was doing. The scenery turned black straight after, and I had assumed I had woken up.

I lay in bed for a while, then could feel trainers in my hands... I knew I was lucid at that point, cause I could hear my fingers going over them and feel like they were changing form, but that was it. It felt like only my arms were in the dream state, and everywhere else was in the real world. Sure enough, as soon as I opened my eyes, the "dream arms" disappeared and my physical ones in bed took over, which took more effort to move. Did an RC, and was definitely awake.

When there's this sort of disconnection within body parts in a dream, is there any way to save it?

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Listening to aircraft transponders with a Raspberry Pi


Last year’s big hack was software-defined radio; a small USB TV tuner that could listen in on radio broadcasts anywhere between 64 and 1200 MHz. This year, it’s all about the Raspberry Pi, so it’s surprising we’re only just now seeing a mashup of these two pieces of hardware. [Corq] is using a Raspi and RTLSDR TV tuner to listen in on aircraft transponders, and getting a whole bunch of data from aircraft flying overhead.

Even though the ADS-B decoder [Corq] is using is written for OS X, he’s reading the data coming from the USB TV tuner over the network with a program called Dump1090. This program allows [Corq] to attach his SDR to a Raspbery Pi and put it somewhere the antenna will get good reception – an attic, or an outdoor weatherproof case – and stream data to his desktop over a WiFi or network connection.

With a USB TV tuner and a Raspberry Pi, [Corq] is able read the tail numbers, altitude, latitude, longitude, speed, heading, and even the type of aircraft currently flying over his house. That’s cool enough, but the fact that he can effectively do this over the Internet makes it a brilliant hardware mashup.

Filed under: radio hacks, Raspberry Pi

via Hack a Day» radio hacks

Lucid Dreaming | Help with seeing through eyelids!!

Ok for some time now I have experienced something weird in the early hours of the morning or when trying to nap especially.

I start to see an object ( I have no control usually over what I see) and it becomes so real looking that I know I must be dreaming or about to enter a dream. But the moment it gets to its most realistic looking, it fades away and I'm completely awake. I have read it described on here as seeing through ones eyelids, and that is exactly how it feels. Ive had plenty of LDs, so I know what one feels like and this is like being on the door way so to speak of entering one, but then turning around and walking away :/

So how can I use this to my advantage? Any thoughts?

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Lucid Dreaming | How could you incubate this kind of dream?

I've been wanting to ask this question for a long and just remembered it today.

One night, in April, I believe, at the end of a REM cycle, I had a dream that I was on DV, and looking at the forums. I mechanically checked my control panel, as I always did, but instead of my subscribed threads, there were the titles of the dreams I had had earlier that night. I immediately became lucid and clicked on them, after which a detailed summary of each of the dreams came up. I woke up after seeing the last one, and promptly copied them into my DJ.

My question is: could you incubate such a dream, and if so, how would you do it? Most incubated dreams are usually set landscapes or have set stories, so I see how that works, but you never know what your next dream will be. I'm just wondering if I can take advantage of this or if it was just a one-shot deal.

Thanks. :)

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Chess Puzzle | 5/23/2013 - The Long Road Home

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Zombie Preppers… have got to be kidding me!

Review: The Professional J.R. Bullivant Solar Backback

Lucid Dreaming | Reality Checks

So everyone has their own reality checks, but is there anywhere with a nice comprehensive list of them? I have a few but I'm still trying to find one that is right for me.

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Lucid Dreaming | Advice on Method

Hi guys,

I know this has probably been brought up many times but I was hoping for like one on one sort of information. I am brand new to the idea of lucid dreaming but am fascinated by it and would like a decent routine to work through. I am trying to go through the MILD technique, for example I am spending 5 minutes laying in bed before sleep relaxing and trying to chill out. I then start my mantra, currently for remembering dreams, ‘I will wake after my dreams and remember them’.

I have only been doing this for a week and haven’t had any results, I am guessing that this may take some time. I thought I would ask and check whether I am going about this correctly and whether there are any improvements I need to make.

I’m thinking, when my recall becomes better to then change my mantra to ‘I will become lucid when I am dreaming’.

I also choose three object/activities in the morning when I wake up, I then do a RC whenever I perform these tasks.

Is there anything you guys can suggest to help me on my path to lucidity!


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Lucid Dreaming | Any ideas to refine my dream sign?

My dreams are extremely populated. I am never alone in my dreams. Also, those that show up are always people that are or have been close to me. Unfortunately, the scene, roles and cast of characters is always radically different. If I dream about my brother tonight, I might not see him in a dream for another few months.

Since the only similarity is that people are always present, how would you go about treating social situations in waking life in order to try and have it cross over into a dream.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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Lucid Dreaming | Do you want to read my new lucid dreaming book?


I've wrote a book and I'd love for you to read it and try out the technique.

Here is a link if you're interested Lucid Dream On Command

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

Chess Puzzle | 5/21/2013 - The Power of Imagination

Monday, May 20, 2013

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Lucid Dreaming | Prospective Memory Training

I've just come across the idea of Prospective Memory Training.

The idea is to remember do a reality check when target events happen e.g. Each time you open a door triggers a reality check, and to note down the most frequently achieved targets.

The idea is to exercise a part of your brain that spontaneously remembers to do things on a trigger event (e.g. Next time I go by a bank to cash a cheque) and use it so that dreaming triggers RCs and hence lucidity.

Question I have for ppl that are familiar with this is how spontaneous does it have to be done?

E.g. Say one of my targets is to RC every time I see myself in a mirror. Say I think about what my targets are then enter a bathroom and look into a mirror and RC would that be too premeditated? Or is the way it's supposed to be done to be to RC only if I remember my targets as I am looking in a mirror (i.e. Spontaneously)?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity