Sunday, July 31, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | PMILD - Prospective Memory Induced Lucid Dream. My personal technique

Hiya Dreamviews,
As far as i know myself i'm far from someone who could teach you to lucid dream but i'd like to atleast present you today guys my personal technique which gave me up to 11 - 12 lucid dreams during 12 - 13 days.

Before i dive in explaining stuff i'd first like to say thanks to following people: Nailler, Zoth, seeker28. Without them i don't think i would be able to make as much progress as i did with developing the technique.

I've called it PMILD which is Prospective Memory Induced Lucid Dream.
It is similiar to Laberge's MILD but much more effective, since Laberge's original MILD never worked for me anyways. I belive that to use Laberge's MILD you need to learn a kinda hard-to-grasp mindset which wasn't explained clearly in book and good dream recall. Specific mindset to properly perform technique and good dream recall to be able to use mantra "reconize i'm dreaming next time i'm dreaming".

I'il be honest with you guys, i've almost never practiced dream recall. My dream recall is horrible. Out of those 12 lucid dreams i mentioned i remember only 3 - 5 of them because i was too lazy to write them down or memorize. So yeah people i suggest out of experience Dream Journal if you don't want to forget your lucid dream adventures but it's not mandatory, you can be just lazy like me and still have tons of fun. Prospective memory practice aswell it's not mandatory and i didn't do any of it, yet this technique yielded for me huge success. Though i belive that my attempts would be more fruitful if i had trained prospective memory but even without training it, i've achieved what i've achieved and i belive this technique might work for some of you guys and bring you joy of lucid dreaming :-P.

If you wish to practice prospective memory then have a look at Zoth's thread or Stephen LaBerge's very own words.

And now let's get to my personal guide

1. Tell yourself before falling asleep mantra "I'il wake up in 5/6 hours"
2. Fall Asleep while repeating mantra
3. You wake up after 5 - 6 hours thanks to mantra
4. Do 5 - 15 minute WBTB (So you don't fall asleep instantly during below steps)
5. Go back to bed
6. Start repeating mantra "Next time i see anyone i'il remember to do reality check"
7*. Visualize yourself seeing someone and then remembering to do reality check.
* No need to do visualization constantly, 1 - 5 times during whole attempt should be enough

8. You fall asleep and either get lucid dream because you remembered to do reality check when you saw someone or end up with non-lucid dream because something went wrong*, if you had lucid dream then you can quit attempts for today if you wish (or not), if you didn't have lucid dream then repeat steps from 4th step when you wake up from dream again
* The only times this technique has failed me was when:
- I've attempted it too early (2 - 4 hours after sleep i guess), but at later awakenings i've managed to succeed
- Fell asleep too fast because i was like "Screw WBTB lazy4life"

From what i myself understood there are three pillars in this technique
- Right Amount of time
- Intention
- Sleep Barrier
And optional pillar Visualization

First one is simply doing technique long enough before ending up unconscious so that your prospective memory task is ingrained in your mind well enough so that you remember to do it in your dream.
Second one is intention, intention is most important, you must feel very strong desire to do reality check next time you see somebody and feel strong intention that you will indeed do it.
Third one is sleep barrier, doing it too early might give lower success rates, but who knows this is merly speculation of mine, feel free to experiment. (I've only performed successfully tech after 5 - 6 hours of sleep tho)
Fourth optional one is visualization, it's optional but if done 1 - 5 times during whole attempt increases its effectiveness

There'a also one more thing that you can do to increase effectiveness of technique, even if you fail to perform reality check in dream when you see someone, then perform it next time you see someone in real life after wake up from failed PMILD, Example: You woke up from PMILD failed attempt then on your way to toilet during WBTB you see your sister in that moment do reality check, this way your intention won't go to waste and your brain will truly belive that you will perform technique next time you see someone when you say mantra during attempts, in result increasing effectiveness of technique by reinforcing synaptic connections in your brain with that intention (Synaptic connections, don't bite me biologists i skipped most of school year :tongue:)

What you're trying to do in this technique is trying to make yourself remember to do something in future (make use of prospective memory), it's literally same exercise as telling yourself "I will remember to buy snacks for my cat next time i see store".
Treat doing PMILD technique same way as you would treat remembering to do any other thing that is very important to you, hence why intention here is really important. In this case focus on intention to remember to do reality check next time you see somebody.
You want to make it important for your brain so that you won't forget to do this next time you see anyone. (That is in dream or in case of failure* next time you see someone irl. As mentioned in previous post)

I guess that's enough of information, kinda lots of it? huh yeah, sorry but i'd rather say more than too little :wink:
This is my personal technique and i haven't tested it yet with other people so i'm going to hope that it works for you guys
Otherwise if this technique does not works for you guys it's going to be kinda embarassing for me and my thread XD
So yeah, thanks and have fun i guess :)


Also i've decided to share sources from which i've grabbed fragments of my knowledge:
- Stephen LaBerge's Exploring World Of The Lucid Dreaming
- Trying out MILD? This is how you become skilled at it.
- Prospective Memory and Lucid Dreaming 4
- How to lucid dream 4chan
There's probably more of them, but i forgot some of them, my memory is as bad as my dream recall, sorry guys XD

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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