Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | The naturality of lucid dreaming...?

Hi there!

I've talked about this to several people before, so why not bring this up over to DV.

One of the least used "habits" when trying to LD, is how natural it is for our own body to dream I believe.
What exactly does that mean? Well, we have forgotten that as humans we have a natural ability to dream.

Truly, I don't remember many people journaling anymore in order to search for the "natural" part of their dreams, but rather it is more of a hunt to find a dreamsign or whatever may be useful to create a RC. And while a dream sign seems to be the most natural thing in the world, it is not for each dreamer.

Imagine that you discover that during dreams, your thought process is always linked to doors, but instead of using it in the normal sense, such as making doors your dream sign, you try to discover the schema of your mind behind that, in this case imagine that the link is actually a "next action" thing? And as such, next thing we know the person is trying no longer to RC when they see a door, instead they try to increase their general awareness over the actions they take during the day, thus making that appear in dreams as the "next action" dream sign and makes them become lucid much more often?

What I'm trying to convey is, we as dreamers are supposed to follow the natural lead of our own dream system, rather than try to force and change it onto something new, which generally causes stress and makes it harder to get lucid, creating problems of consistency for example.

One good example I can think of right now.
Both me and Azul use the gravity RC, both me and Azul got good results with it resulting in nightly lucidity.
Why did it work for both of use?

No matter how much the technique was developed by me, always will insist that anyone trying it must modify it in order to suit their needs!
Why? Simple. Because we are both different people, different dreamers; why would the same technique have to be followed on the same manner, if it is not the same person trying it? Focusing on my whole body all day long with gravity is just the "natural" way for me to work with it, while for Azul it was to focus on his hands.

It is only natural that different people will need a different technique and must use all of the same ones in different manners, after all it is not like they are all equal. And what IMO is lost, is the ability to read through dreams in order to find that natural part of oneself, lying in wait to make that path towards lucity all the easier, because rather than building a new bridge one is just learning how to cross the one that already exists. But we don't search for the bridge, rather we just try to make a new one if possible.

What do others think about it? How many people have tried to find this natural bridge and tried to cross it? If so, how did it go?
Opinions? Anyone who would be willing to try and use this as their "method" to become lucid?
All I am trying to say is, why not let the natural schema of both your waking life and dreaming life take the lead through the life adventure that is lucid dreaming and see how it goes, maybe it isn't such a bad idea?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/29PuH6v

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