Friday, July 1, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | FILD Help?

So I've been trying to lucid dream with the FILD method for about 2 weeks now and so far I can't seem to get it to work for me. I've been setting my alarm about 5-6 hours after I sleep and when I wake up I do end up tired and I can easily go back to sleep after maybe 5 minutes. When I do feel tired, I would roll over and try to do FILD. Now the finger movement is the most confusing part to me.

Do I move my fingers in a way that they press down on the mattress or do I just make sure that they move but don't press down that much? Like I watched some videos and they would say that your fingers shouldn't move at all and you should only think about moving your fingers but don't actually move them. So what am I really supposed to do??? Am I supposed to lie down on my back and try to FILD or do I do it sleeping sideways? Also when I do the finger movement, am I supposed to let myself fall asleep or do I try to let my body fall asleep but keep my mind awake? Because I think after 30 seconds I usually just end up sleeping before even doing an RC. And also I find that even after like 7 or 8 hours of sleep I still find myself tired so I would try it if my first attempt at 5-6 hours doesn't work. How many tries can I do before I should just give up on the technique that day and just wake up and get out of bed? One last question, can I do this while I'm sleeping in the car? Like say I'm going on a long road trip and I fall asleep, can I do the FILD there? (Just curious)

Better yet, can someone tell me how YOU do the FILD technique if it works for you? Because the tutorials I've seen sometimes aren't clear or somewhat different from others so I don't really know which is the right one to follow. So can someone help me please? Thanks!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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