Thursday, July 21, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | EDUCATION TIME!!!(Not Spam Gabby)

Okay so two nights ago I dreamed that I was in this convenience store in Wendell just looking about for something to consume. Out of nowhere I materialize in a small room with a woman. We spoke for a few seconds then. a small window appeared in front of my vision almost like....A fog like window allowing me to see in other dimensions. But it was just information from remote viewing. Never knew you could do shit like that in the dream network though. Pictographic telepathy inside of a dream. But heres the thing. By simply showing me that one still shot I completely understood what this meant. Oh and yes there are a few things you people should know. There IS a thing called the dream network. People can dream without other people but people connect telepathically to either show each other a good time or fuck peoples heads up like they are doing to me.......AAnyway on top of the dream network there is also a telepathic grid. You see people have whats known as a "Color affinity" This color affinity is they're cord color in the telepathic network now let me explain. Someone could absolutely love the color blue, and whether they know it or not they could POSSIBLY have a corded connection to those with the same color affinity. Another reason why color affinities are so important is that those who admire this color could also operate on the same Khz wavelength said color operates on you see colors are vibrations, and vibrations are mathematical formulas. I myself can absorb knowledge telepathically but these people are only allowing me to know so much. I can't break it down into math which is going to disprove all of this. Not only that but I'm diagnosed with schizophrenia which isn't going to help......*Sigh* Oh and those with more than one color are strong and white can operate on all frequencies of color respectfully but.........BLACK is VERY special and is known as the universal wavelength. It's the shortest wavelength of them all BUT there is something very special about it. Because it is so minute it can operate in other dimensions simultaneously unlike any other color which allows someone with a true affinity to black and I'm not talking about emo pussies or vampyrs or the like. But a person with a true affinity to black to have whats called "Multi-Dimensional Perception." The doctors have masked it over with "Dimensia" Black affinities can apparently absorb knowledge telepathically too. But these are just perception and methods to accumulate knowledge. Imagine an entity in the omniverse that can perceive and manipulate particle energy. Excite gravitrons around it to make itself fly, maybe even fuse molecules together and bring forth shit you wouldn't believe possible. If that were real I'd want to keep it locked away forever out of fear of what it could do to me.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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