Saturday, July 16, 2016

Lucid Dreaming | Lucid Dream at Will with MILD

I want to address the Induction technique MILD on how it's been underestimated. I started Lucid Dreaming seriously last late March and I've got like 46 in 50 days since I got lots of time to practice. My luck went out and I realized my lucid dreams came "randomly". Dreamviews user Sensei mentions that there is no random lucid dream but what I mean is that I don't know exactly when it's coming. Sometimes I have,sometimes I don't.

I did not like this since in my opinion it's not that fun to get something unconsistently and without you knowing when it's coming. Streaks of 3-4 days with no LD hits me. I decided I'll lucid dream at will simply with MILD. Now most of the LDers underestimate MILD and put it off for WILD or FILD. "It's just for increasing the chance of DILD,like a bonus." I'd like to say it's not a bonus at all. It's just that people don't apply it properly. My MILD's not perfect yet. I'd say 95% it works. I had Laberge's file,it's called "Trance Induction" and I copied the way he does MILD since there's a part of it where he guides you through MILD. I got his tone of how he speaks and his flow and I got lots of lucid dreams with it. Overall,MILD's not just affirming then after two minutes visualizing it then falling asleep.

Thoughts? P.S I think I should teach how I do it since it'll help a lot of LDers.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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