Sunday, September 1, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Problems with lucidity

I have been following a number of guides and found that MILD is the best technique for me. Following Naiya's MIld guide thoroughly tends to guarantee me a very vivid dream; but that's it. In all my dreams, I'm never aware I'm dreaming. No matter how many times I record my dreams in my DJ or spend hours thinking I'm going to lucid dream only seems to induce vivid dreams. What else should I do? Is sleeping late preventing me from being lucid?

I've been doing this for weeks and all I have achieved is better quality of dreams. The closest thing I had to lucidity was eating candy. It tasted so real, but I never felt full. I have been reading many guides but none of them have been close to initiating lucidity for me. What should I do?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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